Mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 pro
Mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 pro

Fortunately, there’s also a somewhat friendly race of Andromeda aliens to meet, the Angara, who have been sparring with the Kett for a long time, and though wary of the newcomers, are mostly eager to help. If that wasn’t enough, the system is also infested with Kett, a warlike race that is up to something in the cluster and starts shooting as soon as new faces show up. But now that the humans have come, they learn the truth about Andromeda, that a horrible dark matter space virus called “the Scourge” has threaded its way throughout the system, turning planets that were scouted “Golden Worlds,” with perfect climates suited for life, into barren monstrosities.

mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 pro

The Nexus, the new Citadel-like central space station, is a ghost-town, with the advance crew assuming the ark ships had all been lost. It is a Mass Effect game, through and through, and it does not copy or emulate its competition, but rather tries to build on what's come before to varying degrees of success.Īrriving in Andromeda on a massive ark after centuries in stasis, Ryder and the other awoken humans are dismayed to see that they’re the first and only ship to show up, with the Turian, Asari and Salarian arks missing. The open-world format is somewhat freeing compared to past games, and Andromeda plays host to a likable lead in Pathfinder Ryder and a crew that grows on you over the course of your journey until they become another charming space family you won't want to leave behind. It has improved combat from past games in almost every way, which is a fantastic thing to behold, but its difficulty curve is odd at times.

mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 pro

Mass Effect: Andromeda is a sprawling epic, possibly too sprawling, with its size diminishing its story through an unfortunate number of unmemorable side quests.


The idea of the Andromeda exploratory mission is to set up a new future for the Milky Way’s inhabitants free of whatever happens back home, but naturally nothing goes to plan. Enter Andromeda, where a collection of humans and aliens leave the Milky Way just as a little-known soldier named Shepard starts crying wolf about some sort of imminent galactic threat, making this seem like a prequel in many ways, but technically it's more of a far-flung sequel, or really, more of a reboot.

Mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 pro